The dress

This is my own work, and copyrighted as such. No attempt should be made to copy or redistribute in any form on any other site.
What follows is a mix of truth and poetic licence. Enjoy.

Cathy was one of my bar staff.
I say bar - more of a lunchtime and after work social club. An escape from the drudge of the office life.
I never knew why she volunteered, it didn't suit her person.
Cathy was a bit geeky. Almost 30, so five or six years my junior. Shortish naturally ebony hair, quite thick rimmed glasses which didn't help her looks with her large chin and remnants of teenage acne.
And she was far too intelligent for bar work. She'd said a couple of times that I was the only one of the staff and regulars she could have a decent conversation with.
Well that suited me, because despite all that, she had the type of figure I loved. Big boobs, big bum, a bit of a belly. Not a 'BBW'. But certainly VERY curvy. Rubenesque. As I type this I'm looking at a picture of her. Yes, we're still friends - just without the benefits.
She also had her tongue pierced. She'd taken great delight in showing me early one evening when she and I were clearing up to close the empty bar, telling me "It's great for giving blow jobs - do you like it?" I was a bit taken aback by her statement, she'd never been so brash with me before, "Yes its lovely" I politely replied (never really going in for body piercings myself). "Mmmmm" she said, "just great" she purred at me.

I was saddened a few weeks later when she announced she was quitting the bar, and the office to return with her daughter to her city of birth so her mum could help with c***dcare while she went back to Uni to study.
She was selling lots of the possessions in her flat, and I offered to buy some bits (partly to help her out - partly cos I needed a new home computer table).
The next weekend I drove to the address she'd given me - her flat was in quite a run down block - and knocked on her door. She opened it still in her PJs and invited me in.
The flat was strewn with toys - I asked bout her daughter, and was suddenly confronted with her. About 7 and precocious.
Anyway, dismantling the desk took ages, and Cathy sat with me while I worked. When it was finally loaded into my too small car, she invited me back up for a coffee. I'd been there almost 2 hours and she still hadn't bothered to dress. Too many buttons were missing on her top, and I kept getting glimpses of flesh through the gaps. I was probably staring - and I'm sure she noticed.
But at the time I was way too naïve to realise she was probably giving me the green light and so after coffee, I made to leave. I paid her probably double what the desk and some other bits were worth, and she thanked me, closing in to give me a hug and kissing me on the lips. I was very conscious of the other occupant of the flat, and I moved away quickly.
"You will come to my farewell party next Friday won't you?" she asked "I've got a special outfit I'd like you to see". "And my daughter's with her dad so I have the whole night", "I wouldn't miss it" I said as I headed out the door.
The next few days my head was filled with thoughts about Cathy - mostly erotic. I couldn't stop thinking about the way she had filled those PJs, and how close she must have been to tumbling out of her top.

On the Thursday, my bar staff shift both called in sick. This meant I'd have to work Friday, and miss the do. At least until the last of the regulars went home - usually about 8pm.
Friday I'd left my car at home, and so had a couple of drinks while the shift dragged on. It was ten to eight when I said goodnight to the last of the customers, and almost half past by the time I'd cleared up and locked the place down.
I trudged up the road just in time to see my bus home leaving the stop. The timetable said I had an hour to kill, so I walked into the nearest pub, and straight into Cathy's leaving party.
There was no sign of Cathy, and one of her teammates explained that Cathy had been really knocking them back, and so instead of going to the clubs in town, they'd stayed local. Cathy had gone to the loo, but had been there a while.
I went to the bar and eventually managed to order a beer. On receiving it and my change, I turned round to find Cathy right in front of me.

"Oh great, you came, you came, you came" she slurred at me and closed in for a hug.
Reader - let me pause there for a moment, so I can describe Cathy's 'special outfit'.

Her dark hair was wavy, just reaching her shoulders, drawing the eye-line down towards the dress. Heavy black eyeliner, ruby red lips, foundation and no glasses, but even with contacts (I guessed) she was squinting at me.
The dress was black PVC. a thick strap over one shoulder only, leaving the other one bare. It fit tightly to her bra-less chest - breasts squashed upwards against the material, providing plenty of cleavage.
Horizontal splits in its sides further emphasised the bra-less look. As my eyes followed the splits down, they hugged her hips, and continued down her bare thighs. There could have been a thong underneath, but there wouldn't have been much room for it.
The PVC ended just above her knees and was clearly difficult to walk in.
All finished off with patent high heels. The black accentuated her pale skin, which threatened to burst through from any number of openings.
Cathy looked like a high class hooker, and I drank every inch of her in.

Cathy hugged me tightly, her lips crashing into mine immediately. Her arms round my neck pulling my head towards her waiting mouth. She kissed with force and she was a really good kisser, snoggimg me hard before pushing her pierced tongue into my mouth.
My arms, round the middle of her back, met at the dresses zipper. The touch of the PVC and the way she filled the garment was arousing, but not as much as how close she felt. Every contour of her body was pressing to mine.
Still kissing me, she lowered her arms from my neck, and ran them down my back until she was squeezing my arse in both hands, pulling me into her. The movement of her arms forced mine in turn down her back. and I found myself with more than two handfuls of her ample derriere.
All this made my cock very hard. I know she could feel it pressing into her belly.

Eventually she broke the kiss - it seemed like we had been entwined for hours but it was probably only a minute or so. "Vodka and coke, make it large" she whispered before peeling herself from me and making her way back to her friends across the room.
Thankful of the counter hiding my erection, I ordered her drink, and by he time I'd paid, my crotch was behaving slightly more respectfully.
As I carried both drinks over to the noisy group of girls she was with, I felt the eyes of every man and woman in the place on me. 'Hardly my fault' I thought, 'she started it'.

As I approached, Cathy patted the double seat indicating a space next to her. As I sat, she squeezed my thigh with her hand, and sc****d her scarlet nails in the direction of my crotch. Stopping just in time. She beamed an alcohol fuelled smile at me, and turned to continue her conversation, leaving her fingers resting at the top of my thigh. I felt like some kind of possession.

A couple more drinks later, and some of the group made to move on to another club. By this time I was catching them up, and keen to go, but looking at the almost comatose Cathy I decided not.
"Hadn't we better get her home" I asked round. As it turned out nobody knew exactly where Cathy lived, and I could only remember the street but not the flat number, so we daren't just dump her in a cab.
Eventually I agreed I would see her safely home, and 10 minutes later she and I were stood outside waiting for the taxi - sharing a cigarette, with me hoping the air might sober her up a bit.

Unfortunately she dropped off in the cab, and so after a short ride, and quite a bit of directing from me, we found her block, and paying the cabbie, I struggled to manoeuvre Cathy from the Cab to the lift (thank god it was working).
At her floor I fumbled in her bag for keys while propping her up against the wall, then crashed through into her flat, letting the latch catch as I half hauled her to her bedroom. She briefly mumbled "Bed" before collapsing face down onto her duvet.
I sorted myself out, turned on the TV, made coffee, and took a cup in to her. She was still out cold, so I figured I'd give her half an hour to come round.

Finishing my drink, I checked on Cathy again. She was breathing heavily into her pillow and didn't respond to my shaking her shoulders or whispering in her ear. I reckoned I'd better get her into bed, and went to unzip the tight PVC dress.
My hands brushed the exposed skin of her back as I reached for the zip. I gently pulled it down, revealing more flesh as I went. The zip was tight over her bottom, and as I tugged, the valley of her arse crack came into view, quickly followed by her two big round cheeks. I marvelled at the curves, as the zip reached her thighs, and the dress fell away showing her nakedness in all its glory.
I could feel the familiar stirring of my cock as I drank in her pale beauty. My hands couldn't resist, and I stroked each leg until I held her bottom and squeezed gently. I did the same down from her shoulders, feeling the smooth pale skin of her back - my hands encouraging me to stroke her backside.
Cathy didn't stir once, and I realised I would have to turn her over in order to remove the dress.
Gentle manoeuvring managed to flop her onto her back. The loose dress gaping alarmingly where she now lay. Still out of it, I pulled the dress from the shoulder where it clung, and her big breasts came into view. Each topped with a perfect pink nipple and large areolae. My cock hard now, I pulled the dress off her sleeping body, and gazed admiringly at her cute belly and the prize that lay below.
Cathy's pussy was almost completely shaved. just a thin smattering of hair forming a tidy triangle above her vulva. It looked neat, sexy and exiting. I keep myself well trimmed, and I like to see that attention to detail on a woman.
I ran my hands down each side of her neck, feeling the firmness of each breast, before my fingers played lightly with her nipples. Cathy gave a moan, and I jumped back dress in hand - but she was still away with the alcohol fairies, so I hung the PVC on a hanger at the back of her door, and returned to her bed.
I let my hands repeat their forays over her tits, and felt her nipples raise into appealing points beneath my palms and fingers. I stroked gently across her stomach, and toyed with the hair on her pubic mound.

My cock was straining for release, and very uncomfortable, so I unzipped and let it free to see this goddess for itself. It seemed to approve!
Returning my hands to her pussy, I gently let my fingers dance over her lips, and traced the line of her vulva, a slight peek of her inner labia swelling at my touch.
There was a degree of wetness there, and a finger accidentally slipped between her cunt lips, coming out covered in Cathy's juices. I brought the finger to my mouth and tasted a fruity sweetness. Very pleasant!
Placing my hand back to her crotch, I continued stroking her feeling the nub of her clitoris pushing towards me, before pushing my finger deep inside.
My other hand had grabbed hold of my prick, and was wanking in time to my fingers gentle thrusts.
As my head considered fucking her in this state, I caught sight of myself in the wardrobe mirror, and seeing this image my conscience soon deflated my ardour. What did I think I was doing!

Before the devil on my shoulder had time to react, I threw the duvet over Cathy's naked form, and left, turning the light off as I went, but leaving the door ajar so I could hear in case she was ill.
I found her daughter's room, and although the bed was a little cramped, I stripped and got into it - head whirring with so many thoughts. I had decided to stay out of chivalry (after all that) as I was genuinely concerned she could choke or something during the night.

The sober light of day pushing it's way though the curtains greeted my guilty thoughts some hours later. The clock told me it was only just after 8.
I padded naked to Cathy's room and peeked in. She lay on her side and was gently snoring. At least no harm had come of her last night I thought to myself, shaking my head in disbelief as to my nocturnal antics with her vulnerable body.
I hit the bathroom and took a good long shower to freshen up, and used my finger to rub toothpaste around.
Wrapped in a big bath sheet, I stumbled into the kitchen and put the kettle on for coffee.
I heard a stirring from Cathy's room, so I made an extra one strong and black, rooting out paracetamol to aid her expected hangover. Cathy was sat on the bed, wearing her smudged make up from the night before, and now a silky kimono type robe, covering the flesh I had so lusted after the night before.

She looked at the drink and tablets as I placed them on the cabinet beside her, then back at me before asking "What did we DO last night? How did I get here? Who undressed me?" adding after a pause "Oh my god did we fuck?"
"You passed out early" I replied. "I brought you home and figured I'd better stay just in case. Yes I undressed you - not that there was much to undress. And yes I have seen you naked - and very nice too. Hopefully I'll get to see it again. No we didn't fuck - I couldn't take that much advantage. But now you're awake.."
Cathy's look of shock changed to a smile, then she giggled "Oh god I'm so sorry - what do you think of me" My responses began to sink in and she added "You liked me naked?" "Did you touch me?"
Confession time I thought. "Well I had to take off your dress, and turn you over, so I was bound to touch you a bit". Cathy looked at me - I think she knew there had been more.
She got up and disappeared into the bathroom, returning minutes later with her glasses on "Sorry" she said "I had to take my contacts out"
Sitting next to me on the bed, sipping her coffee, she said " how much did you touch me?" I began to stammer a reply, but Cathy put her finger to my lips shushing me, and laid down on her stomach, kimono loosely covering her back, "show me."

Two things went through my mind right then. 1. Yes - I'm in here; and 2. How did she know to lay on her front...

Still wrapped in just my towel, I reached up and pulled her robe off her shoulders, allowing my fingers to trace circles on her back as I did. Gently kissing the newly exposed flesh, I pulled harder, until it barely covered her bottom, and let go, freeing both hands to make patterns across her back, replacing a hand every so often with my kissing mouth.
I ran my hands gently up each leg, bunching what was left of the silky material at the top of her thighs, this time letting my tongue follow the contours of each leg all the way across her cheeks, pulling the robe away to expose her nakedness. This elicited a deep contented sigh from Cathy, encouraging me to continue.
I concentrated my caresses on her bum and the top of her thighs, which gently parted at my touch - my fingers feeling the wetness between her legs as they passed by.
As I moved to turn her over, Cathy whipped round, and lay on her back with a big smile on her lips, purring in bliss. I gently kissed her, before my mouth again followed my fingers across her neck and each shoulder, until my hands once again cupped her magnificent breasts, feeling her nipples harden under my palms.
Kissing her with more force this time, my mouth trailed down to her sensitive pink buds, teasing each nipple with my lips and then tongue causing Cathy to moan deeply.
I left one hand to caress her blushing bosom while my mouth devoured her belly, and my other hand traced it's way up her thighs, finger making a line across her vulva and up through her sparse pussy hair. When my fingers went back the other way, my index pushed just inside her lips making Cathy gasp in anticipation.
Her labia were swollen and wet, and my digits toyed with them until a growl from deep in her throat indicated she wanted more than my teasing. I pushed two straight into her waiting cunt, curling my fingers towards her g-spot gently rubbing at the wall of her vagina.
Pulling them out, I pinched her clit and let my thumb tickle across her now exposed nub. Cathy groaned and shuddered as I toyed with her bud, before I plunged them back inside, and with a gasp of "God - coming" she bucked against my hand, flooding my palm with juice.
I gently eased my hand away and looked up at her flushed torso. I moved to kiss her, and she whispered shakily "You are going to fuck me...this time".
She pulled the towel away, releasing my desperately hard cock, squeezing it in her hand with a "mmmmm" escaping her moist lips.
Needing no more encouragement, I moved between her thighs, and guided my hot member straight into her waiting cunt. "oh yessss" hissed Cathy as I left it still for a moment, allowing our sex to get accustomed to one another.
Slowly, I pulled outwards, before gently pushing back inside, gradually building up a slow deep rhythm while she pushed her hips towards me. Cock still embedded, I squeezed her tits, and we kissed with force. Her tongue exploring my mouth, her piercing waking new dimensions inside.
Pulling away, I settled to a position where I could pump harder, and my prick made hard fast darts inside her - Cathy bucking her body to meet each passionate thrust.
"Keep going" she gasped "faster". As I pumped away, I felt the familiar tightening of my balls, and my cock swelled ready for release. "Almost" screeched Cathy "Not yet" More" "More".
I was pistoning in and out and had no choice than to let the sperm rise within me "Sorry" I whispered. Cathy's hand shot between us and rubbed furiously at her clit, as my final strokes were upon me.
With a gasp and a yell, I exploded within her - pumping my seed deep into her body for ages, the pulsing of my cock continuing well after I was drained. Fortunately this was enough to push her over the edge, and she came with a wailing and thrashing at my still erect penis.

As my cock deflated, the produce of our rampant fucking came oozing from her open cunt. Grabbing the towel, I hitched it under her to catch the flood. I pulled out, sweat sheening our lust sated bodies, and lay beside her, mouth to mouth, my arms wrapping her in our post orgasmic euphoria.

"You are a great fuck" she said as our lips met again and again. "it takes two for that" I smiled at her, and we held each other like that while our heart-rates slowed in unison. Lips crashing together regularly like waves on a shore.

I must have dozed off. I was woken by Cathy's soft lips gently kissing me. "Hello sleepy" she whispered "you ok?" "mmmmm yes" I mumbled staring into her deep brown eyes.
Cathy untangled her arms from mine, and ran her painted nails over my chest. I shivered when she grazed over my nipple. " Oooh you like that" she cooed "Then you're gonna love this". Scooching her body, she planted her lips on a nipple, and ran her nails over the other one.
The sensation was electric, and was made even more so when she sucked it into her mouth, and ran her tongue stud across it. I groaned deeply, and for the next minute, she swapped back and forth making them both hard as bullets.
Her hand snaked down for my cock which was still sleeping from it's earlier exploits and Cathy whispered "lets do something about this. Moving her head down, she cupped my balls in one hand, and drew my flaccid prick into her warm wet mouth, sucking softly on the tip, before taking it all in and rolling her tongue round, sucking at the base.
As she continued slowly blowing me, my penis woke and began to swell. It was a fabulous sensation, gradually growing hard in her mouth, the piercing teasing me nobody had done before.
"I've never had one that's circumcised before" she said pulling away from me for a second, "it's kinda sexy like that". She continued to suck until she was satisfied my erection was at full throb, and said "If you wanna come just let go".
I think she was overestimating my powers of recovery though, so I moved myself towards her cunt and said "No, it's my turn now".
I gently lapped at the folds of her labia, easing them open gradually with my tongue, before I ran it up and down her vulva making Cathy moan through her mouthful of cock. My tongue explored every fold of skin both inside and out before alighting on her clit which was growing bigger by the second. As I sucked it into my mouth, swirling my tongue round her button, Cathy released my cock from her mouth and moaned loudly.
"Oh god that's good" she yelled "god don't ever stop". I had no intention of, and kissed licked and sucked her clit, occasionally moving to push my tongue inside. When I sc****d my teeth over her clit, she shuddered violently, and I knew she was close. I soldiered on, humming on her sensitive bud, and was rewarded soon with a scream that would have woken the dead, and her whole body shaking uncontrollably.
I gave her a moment for her orgasm to subside, then gave it a couple of playful licks "NO" she yelled. "No more! I can't take it". I rolled onto my back smiling. satisfied at a job well done. My cock sticking up and hard for her.
Cathy gave one look and climbed on board. She was very wet, and I slid in easily. I held her there for a moment, my shaft deep inside, before I ground my hips upwards in a spiralling motion, letting her feel every vein as I throbbed within.
She understood the movement, and soon was gyrating in the opposite direction above me. Not an easy thing to do, but our bodies were in sync with each other, and it felt perfect.
Soon she began rocking back and forth on my shaft. rubbing her g-spot against me before she lifted herself up and plunged back down, beginning to ride me with more force. I grabbed at her breasts as she grunted on top, before suddenly she climbed off, turned round and rode me in reverse.
This presented her arse to me, and I played with it as she bounced, there was plenty of wetness for me to run my finger around her hole, and she moaned as I toyed with it.
"Are you not gonna cum?" she asked "I'm getting tired" I knew I would soon enough, but I pushed her off me, sending her onto all fours, stuffed pillows under her body and as Cathy moaned a "yes please" at me, I entered her sweet cunt from behind.
I fucked her hard and fast in this position, leaning to grab at her breasts before grasping her bum cheeks for purchase I rammed deep into her. Cathy's moans grew louder and louder as I pistoned away inside her, until with another yell, she screamed " Coming, coming COMING" screaming my name as she collapsed under me.
I began thrusting again, as I knew I was almost there, and Cathy gasped at me "let me suck you off". I wasn't about to say no to her sexy and excellent blow job technique, so turning her round, and kneeling by her head, I pushed my knob between her lips.

Cathy slurped and sucked, saliva dribbling from her mouth as I pumped in and out. She managed to use her piercing too - this girl had stamina when it came to blowing. She could tell before I did when I was nearly there. She grabbed my shaft to control the depth of my thrusts, and sucked hard. That did it, my balls exploded, spunk shooting out into her willing throat - stars at the back of my eyes with the intense orgasm.
She swallowed the lot, licking my glans clean before pulling me down to kiss me passionately.
"Wow" I gasped "you are amazing". "It takes two" she said, "your tongue is very special too".

Both spent, we barely managed to pull the duvet over before we crashed into sleep.

I woke to the sound of knocking, and shook Cathy awake. "My ex" she gasped "It's late. He's brought my daughter back"
I dashed into the living room and retrieved my clothes - dressing messily and quickly. Cathy donned her kimono, and answered the door just as I finished.
"Humph" (I didn't know it was a real word until I heard the older man say it at the door, peering past Cathy to eye me up. " He the latest then?"
"Yes" Cathy snapped back at him "and far better than you ever were". She grabbed her daughter by the hand pulling her into the flat, and slammed the door in his face.

Cathy ushered her offspring into the living room, turning cartoons on the TV before returning to me. She wrapped her arms around me, giving me opportunity to feel up her body once more over the silk.
"You'd better go" she said, and we snogged each other in the hall for a couple of minutes before she pushed me onto the landing and was gone.

Cathy moved 3 days later. 150 miles from me. Over the years my job has taken me further away still, but we keep in touch. Even when she got engaged and had another little one, we stayed internet friends. She's single again now.
I miss her despite knowing we won't go there again, but the memory lingers. I'm going to send her this to give her a thrill. Hope she likes it too.
1 年 前
Great story mate,I'd like to know what she thinks.