Movie Night

We started out sitting next to each other on the sofa watching a film together. After the film neither of us was particularly tired. I suggest watching another film. "Sure."

"What do you want to watch?" You shrug. "I don't know what do you wanna watch?" I like action and horror, you like romance and drama and we've just watched an action film. It's definitely your turn to choose.

"Now don't start that again! It's your turn what do you want to watch?" I slap you on the shoulder. "Dunno. You pick." You slap me back as if we are playing tag.

We know all about each other, how I enjoy pornography and writing erotica. I try to coax you into choosing. "Fine! Let's watch a porno together." I thought you'd back down and pick a Disney film or something but instead you just respond non-chalant with. "Fine."

It feels like we're playing a game of chicken. "Fine I'll put a porno on then." I have a look through my private collection, I need something not too nasty but dirty enough to let you know its business time. "How about this one?" I put a film up on the screen. "Sure."

The whole experience is a little surreal I've always wanted a girl to sit and watch porn with, I know that you've dabbled in watching porn yourself but it's always been a private affair for both of us.

I press play and settle down on the sofa. I'm sat brace upright to begin with. We laugh at the cheesey music and the unrealistic plot and soon start to relax. I settle back into the corner and you snuggle right up to me and rest your head on my chest so I put my arm around you.

Before I know it I'm stroking your arm and twiddling my fingers through your hair. You feel great in my arms, I've never felt so relaxed without being teased inside a woman's mouth the way that makes me sigh in relief as all my sexual tension is licked up and sucked away.

I'm in heaven and you seem quite content there with me. I'm fully clothed but you changed into your sleep wear hours ago, your smooth silky legs look stunning and I can't help but sneak a glance every now and then.

As the film goes on I start to slouch. You roll onto your side head still on my chest and rest your hand on my abdomen as I comb my fingers through your hair. Without me even realising your hand makes it's way down my body until it reaches my belt. We keep glancing at each other, you can cut the tension with a knife.

I try to concentrate on the film but all I can think about is laying my hands on your soft silky body. After a little while longer I can feel a warm pleasant feeling on my tummy. I keep my eyes on the screen trying to look cool about the position.

I hear a sigh and when I look down I realise that you've slid your hand under my T shirt and are touching my abs and cum-gutters with glee. I work hard in the gym and it makes me proud to see that you appreciate it.

I slouch down even further and continue running my fingers through your hair and enjoy the film. How lucky I am to have someone to enjoy it with I think to myself. I haven't been satisfied in two days, my cock grows hard and thick, straining against the fabric of my jeans.

I can feel my pulse through its helmet. Then I realise that your arm is resting against my hard throbbing cock. I'm so embarrassed, you must be able to feel my pulse through my jeans. I start to feel hot and sweaty. I want to take my top off. I daren't look.

The film is about ninety minutes long but it feels like it's been four hours. Finally I take another glimpse at you. Your hand is on my tummy your arm on my lap, your wrist resting against the base of my shaft as if propping it up as you rest your head on my lap and watch a dirty movie with me.

After a while you roll onto your chest, your feet in the air legs slightly parted, I just catch a faint whiff of your sex. You smell absolutely delicious, the wonderful aroma of wet sleppery lips is enough to release a few droplets of pre-cum onto my boxershorts. I try to play innocent and enjoy the film but all I can think of is how much I'd love to get my dick sucked right now or bend you over the arm of the couch and fuck you from behind.

I sneak another glance as I roll a lock of your hair around my finger. Your head is between my legs, your lips inches from my throbbing cock. You look me right in the eyes then stare at it with longing eyes, ignoring the TV completely.

I don't know what to do or say, it all seems too good to be true! You look at me again with desire in your eyes and it just slips out. "I want my dick sucked so bad right now." You grin and slowly unzip my flies. I can feel every tooth unlock as you slide the zip down. You reach inside my jeans, undo the buttons on my boxers and wrap your hand around my cock, trying to liberate it from my pants but the top section of my shaft is firmly tucked under my belt.

I have a belt that women struggle to undo but today I'm wearing a simple black leather belt. "I'm not wearing my woman proof belt!!" You let go of my shaft, desperately undoing the buckle with both hands, flinging the buckle out of the way and undoing the button at the top of the zipper. You pull my cock out from my underpants, finally liberating it I can feel the contrast of the cool air and your hot breath on my glistening tip.

You look very pleased as you lick it like a melting lolli pop, gently stroking it with your warm wet tongue. Every stroke feels amazing. The way you look right at me as if to say "I'm going to enjoy this" is so hot and the way you move, slow and deliberate is so sensual. I'm not usually a fan of fellatio, it usually just feels like I'm being teased or edged but when it's good, like when you do it it's incredible.

I get that slight rush you get when you hear epic music and your ears perk up as you lick the end, coating it in a layer of saliva as you tease a little pre-cum out of its apex with tip of your tongue. I know that this is just foreplay, that this will soon escalate into the real deal, full fellatio and I'm going to let you keep going until I'm relieved inside your hot moist mouth. I want to see you consume every last drop of my essance and it frills me to see that you're enjoying it, savouring every last moment.

You tease me a little longer with your tongue and start to gently touch it with your fingers so delicately as if it's made of fragile glass. I don't mind the teasing it feels great. I can feel your hot moist breath as you devour me as if I'm your favourite ice lolly and you're taking your time to eat it, licking up every last drop as it melts in your hand.

Finally you grasp the base of my shaft and take me in your mouth. Its nice and warm and wet in there and you start sucking on it, bobbing up and down using your spit as lubricant as you pleasure me with your hot mouth. You make me gasp a little as you roll your tongue all over my bulb.

The gasp spurs you on even more, you suck harder, more confidently, longer strokes taking me deeper inside your mouth. I weave my fingers through your hair, grasping your head to show my approval and prevent you from leaving me hanging.

You make my hairs stand up and it's getting harder to breathe as you suck the air out of me. "Mmm that's it. " I purr in a deep soothing voice. You keep going a little longer I can hear you trying to breathe through your nose, your mouth too full for it to take in air.

After a while you come up to catch your breath. Looking right at me with a huge smile like the cat that got the cream. The cream is yet to cum and you keep the pressure on. My shaft is well lubricated and sloppy and your hand makes a wet fapping sound as you tug on it with a grin.

"Take your top off." You remove your top and are left completely naked but for a tiny pair of moist knickers. I take my top off then grab you by your hair, pull your face towards my throbbing cock and impale your head on my steak. You resume pleasuring me.

You don't have time to grab the base of my shaft or perhaps you don't want to and I feel the tip ease past the back of your tongue and tickle your throat. You make a tiny wet gagging noise then start to work your head up and down my shaft. It's breath taking and I let out a sigh of relief.

Every now and then you rub it against the inside of your cheek, the flesh is so smooth and so soft it feels fantastic. You use every bit of your mouth to please me, applying pressure through your lips with your teeth, everything but your throat.

You are the submissive one in this situation, sucking my cock. I am in control, I have you, holding you firmly in place by your hair but the truth is, you're the one with all the power. All I can do is hold your head in place but you don't want to be anywhere else anyway, you wanted to suck my cock just as much as I wanted you to.

In this deceptive situation you have power over me. You have the power to make me moan and gasp and groan and there's nothing I can do to stop them from escaping my mouth when you send such incredible sensations through my body. I'm at your mercy.

Every sound that escapes my mouth seems to give you more vigour. You come up for air again, wanking me off, looking right at me as I try to catch my breath. It's impossible, the way you tease me with your hand, slipping all over it, jerking me off.

Its even more intense than the blowjob. I let out a loud groan. Perhaps too intense I feel myself judder just as I think you're going to keep going until I can't hold it in any longer and make me let out cry of relief you stop and take all but the last couple of inches back inside your mouth and suck my brains out.

"Oh!" Such a contrast, the intensity of a rough vigourous hand job and the breath taking feeling of the inside of your mouth. You're teasing me, bringing me right to the edge then changing your tune but I don't care, the longer it lasts the greater the climax when I finally do cum and I make sure my fingers have a firm grip in your hair to make it clear I won't let you leave me hanging.

You keep teasing me, just as I'm about to compose myself and begg you not to stop you stop, breathing heavily on my cock as you jerk me off, edging me until I squirm an then sucking me off again. I don't know how much more I can take.

I try to tease you back, leaning over tucking my hand under your waist band and delving inside your knickers as I keep a firm grasp of your hair with my other hand. I can feel heat radiating from your butt hole as I make my way past it towards your lips.

I can barely reach your lips but I hear them make a wet kiss as I gently touch them and they smack together. It's all slippery and I love they way it feels on my fingers.

I can just reach the precious pearl between your clam. It feels so smooth as I polish it with my finger. You let out a "Hmm" with me inside your mouth and I feel it vibrate. I rub you up the right way and you start to buck and sigh.

I keep going as if trying to rub some glue off you. You gasp with me still on your tongue and I feel a wad if drool drip down between my legs. I like it sloppy and go even faster.

My fingers are slick and I reach down even further to dip my finger inside you. We make a squelching sound as you kiss my knuckle. I rub your walnut, I feel cool air flow past my shaft as you gasp the hard G-spot stimulation taking your breath away.

We keep going, me rubbing your clitoris with my thumb as I delve as far as my finger will go to stroke your sweet spot. You drool all over me as you expertly suck my cock, rubbing what you can't fit in your mouth up and down, jerking me off into your mouth.

Subconsciously my hips start to rock easing an extra inch in and out of you mouth. You seem to like it, getting up onto your knees so you can ride my finger as I ride your mouth.

I slip another finger inside, my middle and ring finger tickling your fancy as my pinky and index fingers form dvil horns and I rub your clitoris with my thumb, rather tricky but so much fun getting a reaction out of you.

You give me another hummer. Sucking even harder this time, I get carried away and go a tittle too deep inside your mouth, but it feels so good tickling your tonsils with the tip and I let out another groan. Your throat makes a wet rubbery sound like a tiny plunger as I pull out.

You come up for air again and let out a tiny belch. I don't complain as you did just let me violate your throat. You wank me off even harder and faster for a few seconds as you catch your breath.

You wiggle your bum side to side as if shaking your head. I want the pleasure to be mutual but you are fucused on sucking my brains out. I stop plundering your box with my sticky fingers and caress your lower back and play with your buttocks instead.

You take my entire shaft in your mouth, I can feel the head penetrate your throat. It feels incredible. I can't help but murmer with every few bobs of your head. You come up for air for the last time. A vigorous hand job with emphasis on the head renders me speechless.

The constant jittering on the edge of pure joy is too much for me to bear. My primal instincts take over, I have to take control. You've had the power of a god over me bringing me up to heaven and dangling on the presipice of ecstacy but now the lines between pleasure and torture are blurring. It's time to finish this.

I get up on my knees and face you, my cock still embedded in your mouth. I comb my fingers through your hair palms resting on your scalp holding your head firmly in your hands and take your power for my own pleasure.

I start to fuck your mouth. Slowly at first like dipping a toe in hot water. A little deeper each time. Every now and then you make a tiny gagging noise or let out a little belch. I know I should be put off by this but it feels so good I don't care and there is no resistance from you.

It feels so good as I work my way down your neck. Before we know it you've swallowed my sword. Every last inch inside you, the end eased its way down your neck. It makes a sloppy sucking noise each time I pull back ready for the next thrust.

I try to be gentle but you are absolutely breath taking and before long I'm in a frenzy fucking your throat. It feels so good I want it to last forever but I can't hold back anymore I have to empty myself inside your mouth, I'm caught up in a frenzy.

I lean forward and tap your buttocks watching them ripple, gentle to begin with but harder and harder as I give in to my inner b**st, getting rougher and rougher as I savagely fuck your mouth.

You gag a little every now and then as the strokes get longer. I fuck your mouth as if I were fucking you from behind, long hard strokes. Balls deep and all in the heat of the moment.

I'm sweating I can feel the climax build up inside. I'm going to cum so hard I feel like I'm going to blow your head off. I tighten my grip and choke you on my dick.

Finally after what feels like an eternity of pleasure and passion I feel myself spasm inside you. I'm going to cum. I pull back a little so that I'll fill your mouth up and not drown you in jism.

You frantically work my knobend with your mouth and wank me off. I get a head rush. It's more than just a spurt of ejaculate it feels like I'm peeing hot sticky cum into your mouth. I think to my self there is no way you could swallow that much cum in one go.

But you do, everything but a tiny drop on your bottom lip which you lick up immediately. I think to myself I'm in a nasty mood now, it would turn me on to watch you gargle my load, make a mess and lick it back up.

It's too late for that, you leave no trace what so ever. The film has finished. I admire your breasts, rising and falling as you catch your breath. I sit back down and you snuggle up to me with such affection you wouldn't have known I'd just violated you.

I reach down to touch your slippery lips, and immediately become rock hard again as I realise you're no longer a little slippery now you're soaking wet, your hot pussy ready to effortlessly devour me entirely right up to the hilt so your sweet lips kiss my balls.

It turns me on to no end knowing that I violated you and that no only did you enjoy it, it made you dripping wet. I suck my finger and taste you. "Mmm you taste so good".
发布者 _CheshireCat_
1 年 前
Fucking hot!   Thanks!
xjanis : Thanks for commenting xjanis, glad you enjoyed it :grinning:
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Fun read 
Glad you like it. Thanks for commenting. Hope it made you soaking wet x