Tom Thumb

Tom Thumb
This is my own work, and copyrighted as such. No attempt should be made to copy or redistribute in any form or on any other site. What follows is a mix of truth and poetic licence. Enjoy.

Finally he was in me.
I hadn't felt this way in years. His cock, not long but thick. Filling my pussy with its hot throbbing hardness. He held it in there, not moving, letting our combined sex become used to each other. The feeling was overwhelming, and I involuntarily shuddered, the tell tale lust of my approaching orgasm making me well up with emotion. Still unmoving, he kissed my neck, then much harder on my lips, his wonderful tongue once again probing my mouth with passion.
That was all I needed. The waves crashing over me as I came hard. I may have moaned into his mouth, but I couldn't concentrate on anything but the multiple sensations washing through me. Where had these feeling been all my life...

But I should start at the beginning.
Hi there, I'm Pam. Twice divorced, 2 grown up girls from my first marriage, and now definately over the hill.
I'm 64. 65 in two months time. In the doldrums after the last divorce, and resigned to be on the shelf now until I pass on. He left me with nothing with his gambling habits. I have my own flat. Bedroom, living, kitchen and bathroom which I fight daily to keep. Money is a struggle. I have a part time job in a popular cafe/takeaway working the maximum hours I can without my benefits being stopped. But that's just Thurs, Fri and Sat. The other 4 days I sit at home, saving every penny. Other than my work colleagues I don't see many people. My facebook friends are just that - virtual.
I used to be what was classed as attractive in my day. I still make what effort I can with my 5'2 frame. I bleach my (dark/greying) hair, Its shoulder length but I usually keep it up with a youthful ponytail.
My legs are still good, but my bum has sagged with age. A pair of tight jeans gives me some shape and confidence. I have good boobs too - if they are encased in the right bra. The wrinkle lines running down between my neck and chest are starting to show. Without a bra they droop and sag like the rest of me. My neck and arms are old and wrinkled - they don't feel like my own anymore. After the girls came along, I could never rid myself of my mummy-tummy no matter what diet or exercise I tried. My face has seen better days, but with a few touches I am still passable, and the mirror reminds me daily I still have a young twinkle in my eye.
And I have a heart condition - acute angina - yes I've heard all the jokes, but in reality, even if it was cute, my vagina is pretty much gathering dust. If I can be bothered to break out the lube, I do occasionally have some 'me time' with my trusty 'BOB'.

Its basically a breakfast sandwich takeaway, but the owner has built up a large clientelle, we're on just eat, deliveroo, and have our own delivery service too.
We have Jon (the boss) on the hotplate, and the girls cover each other - always at least 5 of us per shift, on till/phone, cold foods, prep and one on delivery. And me - I'm the pot-wash, although I sometimes help on the till or making the coffees. So I spend lots of my time in the back, in a pokey room with a big sink. Thank goodness there's no door - so I can at least see out into the shop.

He came in most Fridays for a bacon roll. He was always chatty with Jon and the girls. His name was Tom. All our orders have names we write on the bags. I guessed he was late 40s, maybe 5 or 6 inches taller than me, but not 'tall'. He had short cropped dark blonde hair, and was clean shaven. I never liked beards. He had something of a beer paunch, and always wore black. I though he was cute.
The silly girl in me tried to make eye contact with him a few times over the weeks, but I couldn't tell if he noticed.

One cold February morning, I'd run to the toilet (it was out the back of the shop, but you had to go outside to get to it), and I saw him parking up to come inside. He had a big black car, shiny clean even on this wintery day. He smiled at me (at me!) and said "Good morning Pam". I was tongue tied and could feel myself schoolgirl blushing, and I mumbled something unintelligible back to him as I hurried past. I guessed he must have heard someone call me by name in the shop. But he knew my name!
I sat on the loo for what seemed like an age, trying to compose myself - what was wrong with me I shivered. Yes shivered. It gets very hot in the shop, and we all just wear logo'd polo shirts - but out here it was bitter, and my nipples were sticking out like chapel hat pegs - even through my bra (and a vest) and the shirt. I knew I'd have to go back inside in this state, and if I stayed out here any longer I'd be in bother with Jon. I hoped he'd got his order and left so he didn't see me.
As it turned out, he was just leaving as I came round the corner, and he chivalrously held the door open for me. "Its freezing today, isn't it" he smiled again at me. "Don't you catch a cold with just that on". "Oooh thanks" I blurted out as I dashed inside and back to my sink. He must have noticed my nipples, or why would he say that. At least he hadn't made a crude joke, like some of the tradespeople we get in here. I was so embarrassed, I hardly spoke again the whole shift.

Getting home from work, I stripped naked and stood in front of the mirror. I pinched my nipples until they were hard, and surveyed my body. What would Tom think if he saw me? Would he like this old sagging bag, or would he turn away in disgust - or even laugh. I couldn't bear that. I could feel the pin-pricks of tears forming at the corners of my eyes. I wasn't some sexy goddess. I looked and felt like an old frump. Dressing in my cosy pj's, I put the kettle on for a cuppa, and turned a bar of the heater on, feeling miserable.

By the following Friday, the weather had turned warmer, and I smiled when Tom walked in. Cassie on the till noticed and stared at me, before taking Tom's order. While he waited for his breakfast, in my back room I could feel I was being looked at, and as I turned, Cassie was still staring at me, but Tom was looking at me too. I felt his eyes were boring into my soul, and I turned away. When his order was ready, he gave his usual cheery "Bye girls, take care all" and turned to go. But not without catching my eye again. I blushed and turned back to my sink, but was interrupted by Cassie, who said matter of factly "You like Tom don't you? It shows". I shushed her in response, but she added "He is nice isn't he". I nodded, and biting my lip, went back to my duties. Cassie was much younger than me, and very attractive for her age, 15 years younger than me, and very single. Her reputation with men was regularly Saturday morning gossip in the shop. I couldn't have her pinching my daydream man and spoiling my silly romantic fantasies.

He didn't turn up for the next two weeks. When he did, I was taking stock out of the van - Tom held the door open for me and gave me my own special 'good morning'. What a gent. But it made me blush all the same.
Jon said "Hello stranger". Tom laughed and said he'd been working away. I wondered what he did.
When he had gone, Cassie came into the back - it was a bit of a squeeze for two - and whispered "I saw you preening back here when Tom was in. Swishing your hair about and sticking your bum out". "No way" I hissed back. I hadn't even noticed I was doing it. I'm a silly old fool with a schoolgirl crush. Maybe Tom noticed. But if he did, and didn't acknowledge it, thats even worse.

In bed that night, I ran so many scenarios through my head. eventually they all rolled into one which definitely involved Tom fucking me. My imagination ran wild as I pulled 'BOB' from my nightstand. I ran my fingers down my chest imagining that were his, and when they reached my already hard sensitive nipples, I shuddered. I played with them for a few seconds, but I was too excited, and keen for the main event.
Squirting some lube, I quickly ran my fingers through my pussy hair, and pulling my lips wide with one hand, let my index finger circle my clitoris. I knew I couldn't wait, and turning BOB straight onto its max setting, I held it briefly against my bud, before forcing it deep inside in one stroke. Ten seconds of rapidly pumping in and out, and my breath was gasping - so close. Twenty more, and I heard myself cry out "oooh Tom" as my orgasm exploded through me.
I had never come so fast, and it felt so satisfying despite how brief it had been. I had to have him for real.

That weekend, I scoured the shop's facebook posts to see if hed liked any, but nothing resembling him came up. By Friday, I'd come up with a plan, and the stars aligned for me as Cassie had called in sick, so I was working the till. Tom came in quite early , and I took his order and cash, shaking as I placed the change into his outstretched hand. While he waited, I sneaked my phone number onto his bag - hoping he'd see it later. It wasn't the best of plans, but I had to try.
Throughout the weekend that followed, I must have checked my phone a thousand times, hoping for something. Nada. Zilch. Nothing. My world had tumbled down. Had he even seen it? Had he seen it and ignored it? Was I too forward? Too fast coming on to him? My whirring head was too much to bear.

Monday I was at the hospital for a check up. The waiting room was full but I grabbed a seat when someone was called. 20 minutes past my appointment time, and my phone went off.
Text from an unknown number so I quickly opened it. 'Hello you' it said with a smiley.
I tapped back 'Tom???'
'The very same' came buzzing back.
This wasn't the time or place for him to contact me - I was nervous about my appointment. 'Now isn't the best time' I wrote, then added 'I'm at the hospital'
2 minutes later it buzzed again. 'I know. I'm 2 rows behind you'
I dropped my phone and my bag in my haste to turn round, contents s**ttering everywhere. And there he was, smiling at me. Gathering my things up, I stuffed them all into my bag and looked again. He was still there, and he gestured to an empty seat next to him. Picking up my belongings and appointment letter, I sidled my way to the proffered seat, blurting out "What are you doing here?"
Tom opened his mouth to answer, as the nurse came out of one of the consulting rooms, calling my name. Dammit.
It seemed to take forever with the nurse. They even did an ECG, and I had to wait for the results to be analysed by a consultant. I found it hard to concentrate knowing Tom was here too. I hoped he was still there when I came out.
Finally I was released, with a warning of more tests to follow in a week's time. Well of course my heart rate was up. The man I had been lusting for over the last few months was here!
In the corridor, I could see the waiting area was Tom-less. I put my coat on with the glimmer of joy still there - at least he had messaged me.
I set off for the exit, as another consulting room door opened, and out he walked. "Oh good" he said, "I thought I'd missed you". My already dodgy heart fluttered even more at this.
We walked together, not speaking, down the long corridor, and as we passed the 'volunteer-run' café, he said "Fancy a tea?" I nodded enthusiastically. I needed to sit down.
Finding a relatively quiet table, Tom went to the counter whilst I collected my thoughts. Soon he was back with drinks and two of those little packs of biscuits you never see anywhere else but this type of place.
Over the next half hour, my verbal diarrhoea provided Tom with almost my whole medical history. In turn I discovered he'd suffered a heart attack almost two years ago, and was in to be signed off. When I said how young he was to have that he replied "I'm older than I think you think". When pressed, he told me he was 57. I couldn't believe it and told him he looked 10 years younger. I felt not such an old goat now, and told him my age in return. "Never" he replied "you look fabulous". I think he was humouring me, but I took the compliment nonetheless.
Tea drunk, and biscuits munched, we made our way outside. The sun was shining both there and in my soul. "How you getting home" he enquired, "need a lift?"
"Oh please" I responded, happy to be in his charming company a bit longer.

On the drive back to my flat, I panicked. What if he wants to come in. Its a mess. But outwardly I was telling him how I had to go back next week. "Can I take you?" he asked. "I'm free next week". How nice I thought, accepting his offer. "If you're sure it won't be putting you out"
"It would be my pleasure Pam"
He dropped me off at the door, and thank goodness hs only comment was "Text me a time, and I'll be there" I was so tempted to say something stupid like tonight at 8, but stopped myself.
Back in the flat I went over everything we had said to each other. I now knew he had lost his wife 4 years earlier, and because of his heart attack, had never got 'back in the saddle' as he put it. That he'd sold the house they had so he could move on without memories clouding his future, and now he just worked. His Friday sandwich being his guilty pleasure. Well, I was determined 'I' would be his gulty pleasure now. Especially as the age gap wasn't as huge as I had thought, and our shared heart issues meant we were starting with at least one thing in common. Even if it wasn't that great.
I managed to restrain myself from texting the time until Tuesday night(so I only managed 36 hours ha ha). He responded with a 'Great see you then'. I was disappointed. I'd hoped for more conversation than that.

Days came and went, and Friday morning I was nervous about seeing Tom with the others around. Cassie was particularly dolled up today. During a break I asked her why. "Well you aren't going for it, so I'm gonna make a play for that Tom you flash your eyes at". I gawped at her and stuttered a little "no". Cassie responded with her usual brashness "looks like he's got some money - maybe I'll use my charms to get some spent on me". I was so tempted to tell her about the hospital and our forthcoming meeting, but I managed to stop myself, and just glared.
Tom didn't come in. After all my worry. I thought about texting him to see if he was ok, but thought it might be too forward. Cassie wasn't bothered. As usual she chatted up the young builders, and I'm sure she got a couple of numbers. Tart!

Sunday, and I was just making my dinner when my phone went. Tom's name coming up with the text. My heart skipped a beat - was he cancelling?
'Hi Pam - sorry I missed you on Friday. I ended up having to work. I'm still fine to pick you up tomorrow though I will have to work later'
'That's OK' I replied 'Just grateful for the lift xx'
Were the kisses too much? It was too late to unsend!
Then a buzz again 'XXX' wow went my head. He sent THREE back. I hoped I could cash them in for the real thing.

Having spent the remainder of Sunday trying to pick a suitable outfit to show off all my best bits, I sat on my bed crying - as I really didn't have any best bits - or anything nice or sexy for him to see me in. In the end I was reasonably conservative (as I had to see the doctor) and was at my flat window ready like a damn puppy dog almost an hour before our agreed time.

Seeing his car turn into the street, I dashed out and down the stairs, and was at the kerb just as he pulled up "Morning" he beamed a smile at me "You nervous about today?"
The truth is I was, and Tom had only been a distraction to my concerns. I admitted I was and he squeezed my hand as I put my seat-belt on "You'll be fine"
I was willing him to keep his hand there - it felt so warm and comforting, and I realised it was the first time we'd properly touched. Bliss!

We were lucky to get a parking space near the entrance, and Tom said he'd wait for me there. He opened the passenger door for me (what a gent) then held my hand to help me clamber out. As I moved away, he pulled me towards him, and drew me in for a hug. A HUG!!! "Don't worry" he whispered "it will be okay". Then he released my shaking torso with a "see you soon".

The tests went quickly today, and despite a stern telling off from the nurse as my blood pressure was too high (I wonder why) I was told I didn't need to go back for another 6 months and to keep taking it easy with my new medication. I felt on cloud nine. I'm sure I floated all the way back to the car where Tom was stood waiting.
"All's good" I said as I hugged him fiercely. He gently lifted my face from his chest and kissed me lightly on the lips. "Then lets get you home" he said with a smile. I tried to kiss him back, but he was already moving away - car door open. 'Time for more soon' I said to myself, and my fluttering insides.

As he drove, we began talking about the rest of our free day, but then his phone went. He answered hands free, and an urgent voice began chattering to him. "I'm driving" he interrupted "I'll ring you back in 30". Not two minutes later, it rang again - another voice which he promised to call back. Then as we were reaching my flat, a third call.
"I'm sorry" Tom looked seriously at me "something's kicking off with work. I know we hoped to have more time, but I'm going to have to drop you off"
My face must have been a picture. As he pulled up, and I made to get out of the motor, he undid his seatbelt, and pulled me towards him. His lips locked onto my eager mouth, and he kissed me - deeply. Even as it took my breath away, I kissed him back. Wow he was a good kisser. His lips devouring mine made me shiver with a feeling of lust I hadn't had in years.
Suddenly it was over. He pulled away, apologising again, promising me he would make it up to me when he could.
I stared after him as he drove away, before my still pumping heart and I climbed the steps to my now very empty home.

I spent the day listlessly moving between my limited rooms. unable to concentrate. By 8pm I'd eaten a plain meal, and was settled in my pj's in from of a TV programme I was paying no attention to. I jumped when my phone pinged a message. Tom 'So sorry about today. Can you buzz me in? I don't know which flat you are' I dashed to the window - Tom's car was outside. I raced to the buzzer, and opened my door as he came into the lobby - "Up here, number 3" I called down.
Then I looked at myself. Make-up removed, tatty pj's on and nothing else. I must look a fright.
As Tom reached my door, he was armed with some beautiful flowers (not service station - where had he got them at this time of night), and a bottle of wine - I could never tell what was what, but the label looked nice.
He wrapped his arms round me, gifts behind my back, and gave me a slow lip-smacking kiss. I was acutely aware of my state of undress, with my tits sagging down without a bra. Tom didn't seem to notice, but I pulled away, taking the blooms and wine quickly to the kitchen. "Let me get dressed - you can't see me like this" I called, making a bee-line to my bedroom". Tom grabbed my arm as I was passing with a "hush, you look sexy all ready for bed" and he pulled me onto my sofa crashing down half next to me, half on top.
"But...but..." I was cut off by Tom's mouth on mine. Again those sexy kisses making me lose concentration (and my inhibitions). I moaned as he added his tongue to my mouth, his hands pinning me down on the couch. I was powerless to resist, but then this was what I had wanted, and my mouth was kissing him back with just as much passion.
Even when we finally broke for breath, Tom kept kissing. My lips, nose, cheek, chin, then down to my neck and below my ear which made me draw breath sharply.
"Nice" he whispered - I didn't know if it was a question or a statement, I just groaned and nodded. "More".
As Tom resumed kissing and nibbling my neck, occasionally lips straying back to my mouth, and down the wrinkles leading to my chest, I felt acutely aware of how dishevelled I must be. my pyjama top was gaping at the top, and had ridden up exposing part of my old belly fat. Tom's roving hands eventually found the same gap, and as his fingers lightly touched my skin, I jolted with the shock. "Mmmm" he murmured at me, his kissing lips never leaving their work higher up. His fingers danced over my belly, and slowly made their way upwards.
Before he even reached my quivering breasts, my nipples were like bullets, anticipating his touch. And as for below, well since the menopause, I had never felt so wet. I could feel the soggy material of my pj's rubbing my pussy as I squirmed beneath him.
As his mouth made another pass down my neck, he dipped further, and simultaneously, his fingers reached my breast. My top was wide open - I hadn't even noticed him undoing the buttons, my chest exposed to both those lush lips, and the dancing fingers. As one hand reached a nipple, his mouth reached the other, and my whole body shuddered in ecstasy. I don't know how I didn't orgasm immediately, so strong was my desire. Digits teasing one, and mouth, tongue and teeth tugging the other, my old nipples were on fire. I could hear an almost constant moan, and realised it must be me. I felt so slutty, but it all felt so right.
With the dual assault on my swollen buds keeping me gasping, Tom's other hand had also started a wander. Down over my belly, into my pants, closer, closer. Over the wrinkles, and then into my pubes. I put my hand down to stop his, and he twisted his palm round, and clasped my fingers through his. He stopped everything, and looked up into my eyes "Do you want me to stop" he almost mouthed. I stared at him a moment - did he think me a tart for letting him? I blushed back at him lowering my eyes, biting my lip and gently shaking my head "no".
"Good" he smiled kissing me full on the lips. I relaxed my hand from his, and just let the moment take over. My top barely on, chest exposed, bottoms barely covering my sex. He was feeling his way over my pubic bone, through the forest of hair, then he cupped my whole pussy, even I heard the squelch as his fingers found my wetness. He held his hand there for a moment of anticipation so I mewled a "please" at him, and he obliged, pushing one finger inside me. I gripped him tightly. I should be doing something back. As he poked probed and felt all round my labia I garbled something, and we shifted position. I grabbed at the bulge in his trousers which made him "Oooh" at the same time as his thumb finally landed lightly on my swollen clit. Fingers playing in and out of my kitty his clever thumb tickling, then rubbing my bud whilst my hand sawed at his cock through the material. He was good at this. Beginning to flick his thumb up ang over my clit, fingers still busy below. Waves of lust crashing through me reaching my fingers and toes until with a 'whoosh', everything came crashing together and my whole body convulsed as I came with an enormous scream. Tom's hand slowed, but didn't stop as I rode my orgasm out on him until finally the shaking stopped, and I opened my eyes to look directly into his.
I kissed him deeply as he moved his hand from my now sensitive bits. He knew instinctively when to stop.
We breathed and smiled at each other - just having a moment before we both knew we would carry on lovemaking - lovemaking - that was how it felt.


Shit - the door - at this time?
We tumbled from our embrace and I rushed to the door pulling my pj's back to some semblance of tidiness as I got there. Tom stood by the fire, shock in his eyes.
I unlocked the door to see my neighbour Trisha and her hubby behind both with worried looks ok their faces.
"Are you ok pet" she asked, the words tumbling out "we heard a scream and didn't know what was up"
"Oh" was all I could say. "Errm"
Trisha looked past me and saw Tom. "Oh, sorry" she almost stuttered "I didn't know you had company" and then "Are you ok?"
"Yes I'm fine thanks" I responded, seeing Trisha and Bob's eyes fixed on my visitor.
"Well as long as everything's ok". "We'll leave you alone. You know we're only over the hall if you need us"
I must haave been beetroot red by this point and probably snapped back "Yes, thank you. Goodnight" and closed the door on them before any awkward questions which were clearly on her lips got asked.

As I turned, Tom was stood laughing. "Well if that wasn't coitus interruptus then I don't know what is".
"I'm so sorry" I answered seriously, but the look on his face was so disarming, I too began laughing.
"Maybe we should save this for another time" He meant it!
"But, but what about you, we, us? - Don't you need..." "No" Tom interrupted, "I'm fine. We have rushed things a bit. I apologise for taking advantage"
"No, no, no" I said "It's me who needs to apologise. I didn't want you to stop. Oh now its all wrong".
"Shhhh" Tom wrapped his arms round me knd kissed me on the forehead, lowering his head to kiss me more firmly on the lips. "I think the moment has been broken" he said. Lets call it for now, a taster of sweeter things to come" he giggled at the 'to come' part, breaking the imagined tension building inside me. "Look, its after ten, and I need some beauty sleep"
"Me too" I admitted. The huge orgasm had taken it out of me, and as much as the mind was willing, the flesh was weak.
With some final kisses he made his way out, nodding at the peephole in the door of my neighbour's flat.

I felt so deflated. A man I fancied the pants off had given me the best orgasm of my life. Embarrassed my neighbours heard. Disappointed we stopped where we did, and that I hadn't pleasured him in return. All the same, he had indicated there was more to come, and my pussy quivered in anticipation at the thought. I laid in bed reliving the sweet way he played with my body. This old body. And he did seem to have enjoyed it. My phone tinkled to life - just gone 11pm. As I hoped it was Tom.
'Tonight was fun if different. Want to go out tomorrow? Picnic? I'll pick you up at 11:30. Night sweet xxx'
'Yes, Yes Yes' I replied then remembered 'night night you too. Hope you weren't too frustrated. I'll make it up to you asap'
'Counting on it' he text back 'I wanna see what you can do for meeee'
A date. What should I wear. The internet said warm and sunny. I had an idea!

After the best sleep I'd had in ages, I was up with the larks. showered, coiffed and with a beaming smile that only comes with good sex. I'd chilled the wine Tom had brought, and dug out my old powder blue summer dress. Old, but only ever worn once. Its thin pleats swished when I walked, and it gave me confidence. I found my best matching bra and panties, and gave an extra squirt of my favourite perfume. Shoes - A picnic might mean fields, and as much as my legs would look better in heels, I found some simple white pumps. The mirror looked back at me saying 'that'll do Pammie'. A hint of lace from my bra showed at certain angles in the dress, all the better to tempt I thought. It was only half past 10.

The clock ticked slowly by, and I subconsciously toyed with my nipples, trying to mimic Tom's touches the night before. I was getting worked up, and didn't want to spoil my panties, so I took them off - somehow knowing my hand would stray down there too. I was building up a steady rhythm when my phone pinged to announce Tom's arrival. I briefly debated going commando - but as we could end up anywhere, and I was almost 65, not 16, I popped the knickers back on. Grabbing the wine, I dashed out.

Tom waited in the car, and gave me a peck as I jumped in with him. "Good morning, you look fabulous". Its always nice to get a compliment - even if I already felt like a million dollars. A quick kiss, and I blurted out "so where we going?" "Oh a little place I found" said Tom. "Its a bit of a drive".
He was wearing a simple denim shirt, and dark chinos. They suited him. Some rhythmic rock?? music was softly playing as we ate up the miles, and I was soon a bit lost. After about an hour, Tom turned off onto a very narrow country lane, I could see what looked like water in the distance through the rolling hills and trees. After another 20 minutes, Tom turned onto what looked more like a foresters track, and shortly after stopped when the gravel ended. "Come on" he cheerfully jumped from the car. "Not far now".
Tom grabbed two baskets from the boot, and the wine, and led me down what might loosely be called a path. Sometimes in the trees, others alongside a field, but always gently rising uphill. We rounded a stand of trees, and ahead was a wonderful view. Some kind of lake or reservoir in the distance nestled between a valley's rolling hills. "I haven't been here in many years" he said "but it hasn't changed". "Did you bring your wife here?" I stupidly blurted out. "No" he said. "This was my sanctuary when her illness was getting too much for me". "oh" I said not knowing what to say. "Its beautiful".
Tom unpacked a huge travel rug which he laid just into the treeline "a bit of shade". I was glad as the sun despite the time of year was warming up nicely, and the walk had already made me warm.
It wasn't a posh picnic. A couple of sandwiches, some berry fruits and a glass of now lukewarm wine - but it was the company I was interested in. We lay back and listened to the wind brushing through the leaves. Peaceful.
"Penny for your thoughts" I said.
"Well" smiled Tom "I was just wondering when you were going to kiss me"
"Not now then cheeky" I laughed as he grabbed me pulling me onto him.

As our lips met, Tom's arms reached round my back, pulling me close in a passionate embrace. Then he began stroking up and down my back - the down strokes getting closer and closer to my bottom. When they did reach their goal, I reached round and moved them away. In all my years nobody had stroked my backside before, and I wasn't sure I liked it.
Tom changed tactics on me then. Kissing my neck, he stretched down just touching the hem of my dress - which had ridden up above my knees. He gently tickled when he found flesh, and I quivered as goosebumps formed. "Mmm, that's nice" I mumbled in his ear.
Tom spent an age just stroking the back of my knees and thighs, stoking quite a fire inside me. I could feel the cool air and knew the skirt of the dress must be barely covering anything, but I was too far gone to care. When I felt his hands on my knickered cheeks, this time I didn't stop him. My pussy was on fire at his every touch. Tom took the green light, and on his next pass, I felt those fingers inside my pants, which made me tremble for more.
It wasn't long before my wishes were granted. As my legs involuntarily parted, Tom's digits were there, frolicking with my flooding cunt. (There - I said it - I feel so deliciously slutty).
I moaned, groaned and writhed at Tom as he wasn't penetrating. "Stop teasing me" I growled.
Tom stopped, shoving me off and onto my back on the rug. "What" "I didn't mean stop"
Tom looked at me seriously for a second, then in one movement, grabbed the material at my hips, pulling my knickers down and off, discarding them over his shoulder.
Dress bunched up at my waist, I was completely exposed to his lusty gaze (and anyone else who might happen along).
I caught a glint in Tom's eye, and then he was between my legs. his mouth so close I could feel his breath on my wet labia.
"Are you sure" I whispered breathlessly. It was more was I sure. I couldn't remember the last time I'd been licked there, and couldn't even remember if I'd enjoyed it. My ex never did it, I think I was a little bit scared.
Tom's answer was to kiss my inner thighs lightly. Then all around my bush before placing his hot mouth in the middle of my hair right on my pubic bone. He then planted tiny kisses all over my pussy lips making me gasp each time. Finally he ran his tongue everywhere but my waiting vag making me squirm.
"Yesss" he hissed as his tongue ran all the way up my slit, tenderly brushing my engorged clit.
"Oh god" I moaned "Yesss"
Then he really went to work. His lips and tongue seemed to be everywhere at once - I was floating on a cloud of lust. After an age, he settled more firmly on my clit, and sucked gently at the bud. Meanwhile his fingers entered me so as I was writhing on them one way, his mouth went the other. It was all too much. I tore the straps from my dress and yanked my bra free. My tits open to the air, I grabbed my own nipples tugging them wildly as he ate.
Tom saw or realised, and reached both hands up to take over. The weight on his head pressing into my sex as he feasted on my love bud. His hands ravishing my tits as I lay there like some wanton harlot.
All too soon I felt the waves washing over me as my orgasm built higher and stronger until 'Whoosh' I quivered and shivered all over, the earth spinning as the stars flashed round my head. Tom sucked away until my quaking body slowed down, pulling off to lie next to me as I gasped like a drowning fish. "Ok?" he smiled.
I could barely even nod in response.
He gently kissed my lips, giving me the odd taste of my own juices, and stroked my hair as my fragile blood pressure reduced.

I have no idea how long I lay there just breathing, but eventually I became aware of Tom next to me, propped up on his elbow drinking in the sight before him. My dress was just a bunch of material at my waist. Everywhere else was bare before his wanton gaze. "You are a very sexy lady" he exclaimed "And you have beautiful legs" "Not to mention the rest of you"
"Stop it" I said "You're only saying that because I am naked". "No, I mean it." "You really turn me on"
"Well maybe its time I did" I replied, finally able to move in to kiss him back. "Take your shirt off"
Tom wasted no time stripping to just his boxers. I abandoned my dress and clambered over him, gently kissing a nipple as I did. Tom jolted like it was an electric shock "Sorry" I blurted out "No, don't be sorry - they are really sensitive, but I do love them being touched"
And so I gently stroked his chest, fingers playing down his belly too, and within seconds there was a tent in his shorts. "Oooh, is that for me" I giggled.
Through the material I could feel his cock, growing harder with every touch. "Time I unwrapped my present then".
I ran my hand over his stomach, and under the waistband, feeling his flesh under my fingers then bumping the hot hard skin of his cock at last.
Something wasn't right - he was bare - hairless - shaven?
I tugged his pants down so see.
He looked beautiful. Completely bald, his prick sticking up proudly, perfectly straight. It wasn't the longest, maybe only 5 inches, but it was thick. Deliciously so - I almost licked my lips. And another surprise - he was circumcised. A first for me, and made it look all the more desirable.
"Yummy" I sighed as I wrapped my fingers as close as I could to around it. I toyed with it briefly, but I was dying to taste, and ran my salivating tongue around the tip, before licking up and down the shaft.
Tom moaned appreciatively.
My mouth wide, I placed my lips over his helmet, gently sucking. This was a prize I wasn't going to waste.
Now I've given a few blow jobs in my time (but I always choke when men thrust in to far). Whilst filling my mouth, Tom's felt perfect. Other than feeling his hands on my torso, he didn't push back - letting me concentrate on gobbling him.
I could feel my pussy tingling but I was so enjoying the pleasure of his hardness in my mouth, I didn't want to stop. This was really turning me on, and my vigorous guzzling was clearly having the desired effect judging my the groans I could hear.
I shifter position so I could get more of him inside, which meant my bottom was in reach of his probing desperate hands. He began fingering me from behind - that was nice - as I worked my hunger on his shaft.
Suddenly he tapped my back "You're going to have to stop" "Its too much" then shortly after more urgently "Pam - you're gonna make me cum".
I stopped enough to say "Well come on then" and resumed blowing him.
"Oh sweet jesus" was all I heard as his cock swelled further in my willing mouth.
There was no way I'd be able to swallow with my gob full, but I grabbed his shaft, keeping as much as I could in my mouth giving an almighty suck.
"FUUUUUCCCCKKKKK" was all I heard, before the hot spunk shot into my mouth, his prick pulsing as he emptied himself.
His hand had stopped moving in my pussy, but he gripped it hard, squeezing my clit between his fingers. That tipped me over the edge too, and I could barely keep him in as I came.
I opened my mouth wider, letting his seed escape, then gave him a last suck to empty him. The last bit I did swallow - something I hadn't done since my twenties. It wasn't bad - just not for me.
I finally removed my mouth and looked at his very sticky cock and balls. He was still pulsing, but slowing down.
"Oh my god" he exclaimed. "That was the best. Pam you are a real pro". I felt quite proud. I can't ever remember being complimented on my sex skills before.
"Come here" he said tugging me back up towards him, then kissing me deeply. Another surprise!

We lay there naked together for at least two minutes, before I moved to survey the damage done to my dress.
And of course, the material had now sat in the pool of Tom's lust I'd let go from my mouth. I wiped him down and sat up. Tom's prick flaccid now was really quite small. There was still the signs of girth, but this 'grower' tidied away very nicely. I stroked it gently.
"You have a very pretty cock" I said matter of factly. Tom laughed. "All for you baby. Treat him right".
It was then I noticed how cool it had got. No wonder he shrivelled ha ha. The sun had disappeared behind a cloud, but I couldn't see through the trees if it would pass.
And then it didn't.
We heard the rain before we felt it. A heavy patter through the leafy canopy above. Pulling on my bra, and trying to make some semblance of my cum stained dress, Tom just lay there. "Come on" I screeched "We're going to be soaked. "Yep" he replied "so no point panicking".
I couldn't find my knickers anywhere, but I packed the picnic things whilst Tom eventually got dressed. We trudged the long walk back over the fields which became increasingly swamp like the further we travelled. After an age, we reached the car. Tom had a big towel and a blanket in the boot. He said something about the towel which made him laugh, but I was too busy trying to dry off to notice. I sat on the blanket, and Tom on the towel as we began the long drive home.

With my dress sticking to my skin, I was acutely aware how the light blue material was now very see through. I looked down and could see my darker nipples and further still it my pussy fur was a dark triangle. Tom kept feeling me up when he had the opportunity. It did feel kinda erotic, and I mentally tucked away the wet clothes idea for another day.
When we got back to my flat, Tom handed me the towel to help cover my modesty, and sat in the car laughing as I dashed through the communal door. As I reached the flat, I dropped the towel while I hunted for my keys - at the same time as Bob and Trisha were leaving their's. Trish looked shocked, but Bob looked like he'd just walked onto the set of a porno. He drooled an "are you ok" as he lustily drank in my see through attire. Closing the door behind me, I felt so embarrassed. But then quite elated that my body had been exposed.

Wednesday and Thurs went with a blur (of very naughty texting between the two of us). I'd asked if he was in the shop on Friday not to indicate we had anything going on which received a 'why - you ashamed of me?' Of course I just didn't want the wagging tongues. True to his word, he didn't even look at me, but slipped a note when collecting his order. 'Can't wait to get your knickers off again. Might need to buy you some more if we lose them again'. I laughed out loud when I read it later, which caused Cassie to demand to know what was going on. She saw the note, and we tussled before she snatched it off me. Then promptly read it out to everybody in the shop - including customers. Puce would be a good colour to describe me.
I told Tom on the phone that night, and he laughed. "Fancy coming over to mine tomorrow?" he asked "I can cook, and I promise we won't be disturbed"
Naturally I agreed. But decided a makeover was in order first.

After work I caught the bus into town, and spent money I didn't have on new pretty matching underwear. Home, I tried it on, but something wasn't quite right. I re-tinted my bleached hair, and took a long hot bath. Soaped up, I played with my nippples then on impulse, decided to shave not just my legs, but my hairy pussy too. Tom had felt so nice bare, I decided I'd join him! It felt funny shaving so intimately, and took ages to make everything smooth. Dried and powdered, I tried my purchases on again. Perfect. I felt deliciously sexy, and hoped that Tom would agree. Tom. Mmmmm.
My straying hands stroked my bald quim as I imagined what it would feel like with him licking me now. The new sensation made my clit hard, and I reached into my nightstand for BOB. Although I now had a sex life, I just wanted more. The buzzing vibrator soon had me panting, and with my free hand, I pinched at my nipples as I came with a very satisfying orgasm.
That night I slept naked, and had many erotic dreams.

At work on Saturday morning, I was very conscious of my hairless pussy even though I knew nobody would know. I wondered if Cassie was shaven too. I imagined she was. I was a hussy like her now too ha ha.
I rushed through the clean down when the shift ended "So what's your plans tonight then Pammie?" I heard. I'm going to get fucked tonight I thought to myself with a smile. "Oh I might treat myself tonight" I answered. "Maybe wine and dine". "Plonk, microwave dinner and empty bed more like" Cassie teased. I let her.
As we packed up and all left together, I spied Tom stood across the road by his car. Oh no. Not now.
"Too late for food mate" shouted Jon. Tom waved and beckoned me over. "Hello you" he crooned as I crossed to him, "You busy tonight?" Then he plonked a kiss on my lips in front of everybody. I blushed and squirmed as I could hear the other girls catcalls behind me. But secretly I was beaming. He had displayed affection to me in public. "I figured I owe you a dress" he said. "Shall we go buy you one?"
And that's how I found myself in the out of town retail park, walking back to Tom's car with not one, but two new dresses, and a pair of black kitten heel shoes. The dresses were lovely. Tom was very insistent when I couldn't decide between black and burgundy of the same style that I have them both. "Is this advance payment for tonight" I teased. Oh well" he replied "If I'd known I was paying, I need to go to the bank, because you must be very expensive".
We laughed together and soon he was dropping me off at my flat. "I'll be back at 7" Tom said. Just a few bits to buy. Steak and mushrooms okay?" I nodded as I waved him off, and went inside - three hours to kill.

At ten to seven, I'd finally finished my hair and make up, decided which dress to wear, packed and unpacked pj's 4 times - would he ask me to stay - would these look silly - what does he wear in bed etc etc. I'd also packed toothbrush, hairbrush, make up remover, spare make up and a host of other things in my panic mode. I'd squeezed everything into the smallest bag possible so I wouldn't look stupid if he just took me home later. Anyway - I was pleased with how I looked. For 64. The new clothes made me feel confident and a bit sexy. Sexy - Yay. If all went well I'd be having sex tonight. It made me shiver with anticipation.

When we got to his house it was just starting to get dark. It was an ordinary semi, with a drive and garage. The living room was square, with one side dominated by a big sofa, and the other by a big tv and music system. There were shelves of vinyl records and cd's. The art on the walls was unusual, and no 'family' photos anywhere. At the rear was a huge dining kitchen and at the side a conservatory which I presumed led to a garden. Normal, if a little sparse and uninspiring. Tom poured some chilled wine and I sat at the table, whist he chopped all manner of mushrooms. "Do you want to eat now or later?" he asked, "when its ready" I replied.
Tom went into his big fridge and pulled out a large piece of steak, but then proceeded to slice it into strips. I looked quizzically at him.
"Steak and mushrooms, cantonese style" he smiled. "Heart healthy!"
Well the food was lovely. Served with sticky rice and no where near as filling as I expected.
We settled with drinks on the sofa. Both with our knees up mirroring each other.
I asked him about his ex, and slipped in a question about him being shaved. "Done it for years" he said. "For one it makes me look a little bigger when soft, and two, well I just like the feel". Gradually the small talk disappeared as the wine flowed. I wasn't drunk, but comfortably floppy. Tom was so easy to talk to. Finally as he hadn't, I made the move. "Kiss me Tom. Kiss me mow and kiss me hard".

Kiss me he did. After two minutes of smooching I was already breathless. He was such a good kisser. Whilst he ravaged my mouth, his hands were exploring my body. My tits, ass, thighs, belly all received his passionate hands. It was like making out with an octopus. My nipples were screaming out for closer attention, and my pussy was on fire. As we broke off for the upmteenth time, I suggested I take my new dress off in order not to spoil it. Tom looked at me - fire in his eyes and said "lets go to bed".
Whilst Tom sorted out downstairs, I made my way up. There was one small room - made into an office with wall to wall books; one 'guest double' with what looked like a sofa bed and gym equipment, The bathroom was basic but clean, and his bedroom. A big mirrored wardrobe, cast iron double bed with the thickest mattress I'd ever seen. Artworks on the wall, a ceiling fan and lamps on many surfaces. I sorted myself out in the bathroom, an placed my dress over a chair before climbing into bed in my underwear set. It was firm but very comfortable.
Tom was up shortly after, and I heard him brushing his teeth before he came in, naked. His now soft again cock bobbing away. Despite its flaccid size I decided it was really cute. I just needed it hard as soon as possible!
Tom switched two lamps on, giving the room a soft pinky-red glow and some music. He must have had speakers under the bed as it drifted upwards. A woman's voice gently sweeping together with guitars and drums. It sounded kinda erotic, so I asked him. "Its a group called 'The Cocteau Twins'" he said. I really liked them - whoever they were.
Tom climbed under the covers with me, and hugged me close as he kissed me again. "You are gorgeous" he whispered in my ear. I laughed at him "I'm 64, old, wrinkled and past it" I replied. "Then why are you in my bed half naked" he responded. I couldn't answer. Partly because his lips had once again sought mine and we kissed passionately.
This time, Tom's hands were freer to explore, and he oooh'd and ahh'd as he felt my breasts through my lace bra, building pressure on my nipples, until with a flick, he exposed my aching buds for his mouth to devour.
He kissed and licked them until they were harder than they have ever been, then proceeded to gently bite each one in turn making me squeal. His hand meanwhile had snaked its way over my belly and dove under the elastic of my pants, until he gasped and flinched at my bald quim. "someone's been busy" he said as he pulled back the quilt his face a picture of lust.
Grabbing the elastic, he pulled them gently down my legs and off, stopping knelt between my legs, a look of desire in his eyes.
Without a word, he lowered his head, and began to lick and kiss every part I had so recently shaved. I was in heaven, but wanted more attention. "Please" I almost sobbed "my clit". I could feel its hard throbbing desperation for a touch. Tom teased around its base making me gasp for breath, then finally sucked it into his mouth, flicking it roughly with his tongue as he did. That was enough. The room seemed to light up with fireworks and the bed seemed to tremble beneath me. My orgasm came wave after wave, and I felt I'd wet myself it was so intense.
As I came down from a ridiculously high cloud, Tom brought his face up to mine, a huge smile on his face. He was soaked. I must have squirted when I came - something I've never done before. I started to apologise, but was quickly hushed.
We lay for a moment and giggled together until my heart-rate calmed down. Then I reached between us and grabbed his very hard fat cock in my hand. Tom quickly pulled away, "No" he said "I am too close". "I want to fuck you now".
As he positioned his dick by my snatch, something felt wrong. Tom put his hand down to enter me, and we could both feel the resistance. My squirting must have dried me up. Tears welled in my eyes at the though of not being able to screw, but Tom calmly leaned across and opened the bedside drawer, pulling out an unopened tube of lube. "Boy scout" he grinned tearing the seal. Squirting a good handful, he coated my pussy, and his cock, liberally. "Lets start again darling" he said.
He pushed it inside me slowly although I could tell he was straining to thrust...

As my shuddering body slowed, Tom pulled out, then in again slowly - ensuring the lube was doing it's job. Gradually he increased speed, pumping at a steady rhythm. I became aware once again of the music gently playing under the bed, and realised he was using the beat to keep his time. Clever boy! Simultaneously, the singer's voice was sounding increasingly erotic. He must have used this technique before.
It was generally missionary, but Tom changed positions to achieve maximum depth which was lovely. His girth alone was causing my pussy to purr, but the effort was 10/10. I could feel so clearly our bald pubic bones crashing together, and as my clitoris grew even harder, the sensation of his flesh pounding against it was delicious, and I knew I could come again soon.
Tom almost sensed this as he increased pace, losing time with the music - as we were making more than enough of our own, both panting and moaning as he plunged in and out, and in, and in, and in. Wow, I was going to cum big time.
Then I felt him ramming deeper still, his girth seeming to grow even more - the sides of my pussy full of him, so full.
And then he gave one deep plunge groaning as he did. The look of ecstasy on his face, and his pulsing cock took me over the edge, and as he pumped me full of his seed, I smashed into my own orgasm, feeling his prick pumping all the while. Wow. Double wow.

We lay unmoving for a few moments, then I could feel him softening inside. He pulled out, grabbing his discarded shirt to catch the cum oozing from me. The feeling was fantastic. It had been a long time since I'd had that sensation, and it was still hot as it trickled out.
Tom lay on his side, facing me, wrapped me in his arms and kissed me with force. "Thank you" he said "I'd forgotten how good it felt"
I smiled and kissed him back in reply, before my orgasm brain made me pass into a post sex slumber.

It must have been about half an hour later when I came round. After de-make-upping and using the bathroom, I put my pj's on and climbed back into Tom's bed. Although it was early, I didn't want to sneak off home. Tom was gently snoring but I didn't find it annoying. More comforting. It had been so long since I'd slept with anyone I'd forgotten how relaxing it was.
Less than an hour later, having disproved my theory by not being able to sleep, I was up again. My bladder had taken quite the pounding.
When I got back into the room, Tom was barely awake. I took my pj's off again before getting in next to him. I wanted the feeling of skin on skin. Tom snuggled into a 'big spoon' position, and we both drifted off.
When I woke again, soft daylight was sneaking through the curtain material. We were laid bottom to bottom and I gently rubbed mine against his. Tom stirred, and turned to kiss my exposed back. "Coffee?" he whispered. I mumbled my affirmation, and he rose. The bed suddenly feeling big and empty without him. I heard him brushing, then padding downstairs. I used the time to fix my self in the mirror, and was sat up in bed, sheets covering my tits when he returned, a naked man carrying two cups - I couldn't stop myself from laughing.
"What" he asked. "Well you have no concerns with being naked have you?"
"No" he replied. "I know I'm not that big, but for one, you've already seen everything there is. And secondly I've never had any complaints. Well except when I was much younger, and my then girlfriend left me for what she called a 'better hung' man. It took me a long time to get over that, but now yes, I'm comfortable with my body".
I was pleased he had been so candid with me "Well" I said "You certainly have no complaints from me. Last night was very special. I don't think I came as much in all my married years". "What you do, not what you got" Tom grinned at me.

Coffee drunk, we settled back into a spoon position. Tom gently stroking my bare back. It was making me drift off again. His fingers creating swirls from my shoulders and all the way down my spine. "Nice" I shivered.
Somehow, Tom managed to get both hands free, and whilst one concentrated on my back, the other caressed my ass. Gradually, that hand became bolder, brushing my thighs, getting closer and closer to both my anus and my pussy. I opened my legs a fraction to give him access, wanting his fingers in me once again. It was all so perfectly slow, but eventually he found my labia, and at the top, my sensitive clitoris, which he treated so gently. Whilst I was very aroused by this point, I think we both realised I was a little dry again, as before I could comment, I felt the cold wetness of the lube between my legs, Tom massaging it softly into my hungry pussy.
Tom removed his fingers and I soon felt that fat cock nudging at my opening. I pushed my bottom back against it, and it slowly entered me once more.
Lying on my side, I felt much softer and less urgent thrusts as Tom reached one arm underneath me which fondled my breast, and his other reaching round to sit at the top of my bald cunt; both pulling me onto his erection, and adding pressure on my clit.
This slow sensuous fucking was working its wonders with my new found love of orgasming, and I allowed my body to go with each lunge of his cock.
When he pushed me onto my stomach, and then onto my knees, I hoped he would increase his pace. I wasn't disappointed. I love being humped doggy style, and Tom found a great angle with which to pound me. I was close, and I shoved back at every stroke. Tom was gripping my hips tightly by this point. Really pummelling into me. His ardour set off my moaning "Yes" "That's it" "Harder" Faster" More" More" More More" "Ooooohhhh" "Yesss" I heard myself screaming as I exploded into my orgasm. Waves bursting over me.
It was only some moments later I realised Tom had stopped fucking me. "I'm sorry" I panted to him behind me. "I got carried away".
"Me too" gasped Tom.
I felt him going soft inside me, and I could feel his spunk dripping out. I realised he had cum as well. In my ecstatic throes, I hadn't even noticed. Just concentrated on my pleasure. Call me selfish if you want, but having been without a sex life for so long, I was making the most of this one.
Tom collapsed on top of me, then rolled to the side, kissing the back of my neck. Heaven.
"I love you" I whispered into the pillow. I felt very emotional post such an orgasm. Tom hugged me as I felt tears of happiness well up.

Well reader. There's not much more to say. No he didn't say it back. Not for a couple of weeks anyway, when he asked me to move in with him.
But before that we went away together, and I discovered Tom's kink!
Another tale for another time.

Tom Thumb? You can work that one out...
1 年 前