Mother 2

Mom 2
I looked down and noticed that my erection had thankfully subsided again! "No why?"
She smiled at me. " Only this way!
“Let’s have a liqueur now!”
“You’re welcome, Mom.”
She poured us two pints and smiled.
Somehow I had the feeling that she was enjoying sitting almost naked in front of me.
Her nipples could easily be seen through her bra and I had to distract myself!
“Good luck,” she said and took her pinch and toasted me.
I leaned over and took mine too. "Bottom up"
We drank at the same time and I noticed that she was looking at my boxers while she drank!
We set off and I noticed how my cock was getting stiff again! ….. What was going on???
Why was she looking at my boxers and why did it excite me???
“That’s supposed to be a liqueur,” I snorted! “He has 40% or more!!!” My mouth was burning and I took a big sip of beer.
"You're right! Another one?"
"In any case! I could use it after an evening like this!”
“What was going on at the party?” she asked.
“Oh nothing,” I replied.
“The mood wasn't that good and Martina had to be home early because she was going away with her mother tomorrow!”
“Oh, my son misses the ladies’ society.”
She half got up and sat cross-legged on the sofa!

…...I could see it clearly, her panties were really wet and the contours of her labia were pushing through her panties.
I took my newly filled pinch and toasted her and drank!
“Oh God, one more and I’ll pass out,” I said and took another big sip from my beer bottle!
“What kind of trip is Martina doing tomorrow?”
“Oh, something about her mother. You want to go to a riding stable with Martina’s mother’s boyfriend!”
She took a sip of wine and it dripped onto her breasts and onto her bra!
“Shit, I guess I wasn’t allowed to drink it,” she laughed.
She looked down and rubbed the wine on her cleavage.
I couldn't help but stare at her breasts.
Those beautiful tits I thought. It was terrifying. I wondered less and less why my mother made me so horny.
“Another liqueur for us?” she asked me.
I noticed that the alcohol had really gotten to my head!
“Sure,” I slurred.
She leaned forward and was about to grab the bottle when it tipped over and fell into my lap. I noticed her hand on my crotch for a brief moment and her head landed on my left thigh.
We both burst out laughing and I briefly put my hand on her head and shoulders.
“Otherwise your Martina will probably just be lying here!”
I removed my hands from her head and from her shoulders.
What had she just said, did she want to lie there like my friend?! I was irritated!
She stroked her head towards me and she was less than four inches from my cock. I felt her hair pushing my boxers higher!
I was frozen. What did she want to achieve and what did I want????
She came even closer to my cock.
“Should we drink the liqueur now or do you want ............?”
I asked her.
“Or do I want something?” she said and smiled at me.
What just happened here? Was it just the alcohol? Did I not understand her humor? I didn't understand anything at that moment!
“Another smoke!” I said and moved back a little so that it was no longer directly on my cock.
She sat back up and we smiled at each other!
“You’re welcome, darling, let’s have a smoke!”
I lit us two cigarettes and gave her one!
“Thank you, that’s nice,” she puffed on her cigarette and stretched her body upwards, blowing out the smoke towards the ceiling.
Looking at her body and her clothes, I felt my cock getting stiff again.
“Were you uncomfortable that I fell on top of you?” she asked.
"Um, no, I don't think so, it was OK for you?!"
“Well, the last time I was this close to you, I changed your diaper!”
Did she really say that??? She compared changing diapers with drinking together. I didn't understand anything anymore!
“I'm going to get another beer. Would you like something else too?”
"No thanks! I still have wine and would like to drink some more liqueur with you!”
On the way to the fridge I went to the bathroom for a moment. I looked in the mirror and ran through my hair. Looked at my face and realized how drunk I was.
What kind of evening is this?
Martina would rather go away with her mother tomorrow than come to my game.
…….Does she even love me. Was my mother perhaps right? Was she playing with me?
No! Those were just thoughts in alcohol!
I sat down and peed.
The door opened and my mother came in.
“Are you okay, my son?! She asked.
“Mom,,, I’m on the toilet!!”
“Oh, darling, that didn’t bother us before! Do you really mind now?”
“It’s uncomfortable
发布者 andreas19x80
4 月 前