Micropenis at the nudist beach

In summer I like to go to the beach. I live in Spain and here the weather is very pleasant and there are many women who dare to do topless. There are beaches where it is difficult not to get very hot, because there are girls from 16 years old to ladies of the third age with their tits in the air, sometimes you feel one surrounded by tits.
Normally when I return home I masturbate thinking of all the beautiful tits I have seen.

This year I am overcoming my embarrassment to other people see that I have a micropenis and in fact, I am morbid to see what reaction have women who see it. So, I decided to go to a nudist beach that is not far away.

The decision to go to that beach in particular is because two friends of the university told me that they normally went there to do topless and in passing, to see cocks. Just thinking about two friends seeing my micropenis made me doubt several days, but it also excited me and I masturbated several times imagining various possible reactions.

Finally the day arrived that I encouraged myself and I went to the nudist beach. I liked that people look at each other but deep down everyone goes to their roll. After a while, due to the heat, I took a bath. When I came out of the water and crossed with some women, I realized that they were looking at my micropenis with fun ... even more cramped with the bath ... it was practically a button on a shaved pubis.

I lay in the sun and while, the situation seemed very morbid to me: I was watching a girl and her beautiful tits secretly ... and I was warming up more and more ... until a point arrived that I spliced! Yes .. I know it's not a big deal ... but there was my erect 7cm dick while I sunbathed.


It was at that point when suddenly appear on the other side two girls, about 30 meters and were looking and pointing. I did not know who they were ... nor what to do ... I thought they pointed to other people. I turned again ... and when I realized they were next to me and they said:

-Hi Carlos! How are you?

Earth swallow me! The moment that I had imagined so much had come to me by surprise! My two friends from the university had gone to the beach, they had located me and now they were in front of me ... and I had an erection of 7cm (full) and they were just realizing it!

One of them said: -vaya, I see that you have encouraged to do nudism! well done! (but he almost laughs)
-Do you mind if we stand by your side?
- (me) sure!

They began to put the towels in place and they could see that they repressed smiles in surprise. They sat down, they took off the top part of the bikini..and uf..i loved her tits, I was about to explode.

I was at a point of madness ... I was very excited by the situation ... but at the same time I was terribly ashamed to be found spliced. I gave them a little conversation and I lay on my stomach for a while until I got off ... then it gave me heat and I had to bathe.


When i was leaving the water again I went back to the starting point: button-type micropenis! They were sitting, talking about trivial things, because really they wanted to see the show and rejoice ... and so it was. I came out of the water and they spoke looking at it, as if by chance, and when they saw my tiny dick, they laughed. They tried to cover their mouths with their hands, they tried to disguise by making them see that they were laughing for something else ... but it was clear what they found funny.

--To be continue--
发布者 smallfinger
5 年 前
i bet you wanked thinking about them
MicroDickLover : Me too, just to be humiliated! I am less than an inch soft and just over 2 inches hard! I used to get about 5 inches hard and could fuck and please a lot of ladies, but no more!
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Wow amazing story, makes me wanna go to nude beach soon 
Loved your story 
Thanks for sharing your story. My penis is 4 inches when erect and two inches soft. I have had the same fears as you in the past. Girls have laughed and nowadays because of porn, girls seem to expect more size. I don't blame them because I think a large penis is beautiful and I wish I had a thicker cock, five inches long when soft. But it will never happen.