Thumbs up and down

Why do people give you a thumbs down when making your own original material If you don't like the subject matter ie bbw or sucking for example why watch in the first place Homemade material is never going to be like a porn production but it's real there and then on video Rant over… 阅读更多内容

发表者 handyman225 3 年 前 33

Minnesota fats Wolverhampton any information

I'm interested to find out about Minnesota fats pool club in Wolverhampton was it just a pool hall or something more too Cheers if anyone knows anything… 阅读更多内容

发表者 handyman225 3 年 前 5

Anyone found pictures of people they know

Been on here for years now and looked at hundreds of thousands of pictures unfortunately not found anyone I know yet ie friends work colleague's neighbours etc Has anyone ever found an unexpected picture of someone's wife?… 阅读更多内容

发表者 handyman225 3 年 前 80

Unaware wives and girlfriends

Just a post for people to chat about their wives and girlfriends posted on here without their knowledge… 阅读更多内容

发表者 handyman225 3 年 前 21

Sally my ex girlfriend

Sally my ex girlfriend who's pictures are on my profile was an 80 's girl she did a few shoots for fiesta magazine anybody who has seen them are has pictures of her I would be very appreciative if you could let me know and share them with me as sadly I don't have the original magazine's anymore just the pictures on my profile. thanks… 阅读更多内容

发表者 handyman225 3 年 前 4