Private/Friends Only Videos

Are there any others here who think that this feature is overused to the point of being abused, and needs t be done away with? I am becoming quite tired of seeing something I've saved to my Favorites being "locked" a couple of days later. This is just one of the man reasons why this site has declined and is losing people.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 InterracialFreak 8 年 前 11

Limits and Restrictions On "Friends Only"

This trend on XHamster for more than a few uploaders to initially post videos as "Public" then locking them "For Friends Only" is getting out of hand. It needs to be limited or stopped altogether, either by making the Public or Private choices a permanent option per video at the time of its upload, or simply removing the Public or Private privileges from all of us uploaders. This is a public online free porn site, anyone who is truly worried about their "contributions" being copied or reposted should no better than to post on such sites as this to begin with.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 InterracialFreak 9 年 前 13